
My thoughts on … stuff

Archive for the tag “fitness”

Where’s my Mojo?

Where’s my Mojo?

I can’t seem to find the mojo I had a few weeks ago that helped me stay on my weight loss plan. Since I’ve returned from my cruise, I find I’ve lost my motivation. I’ve done absolutely nothing to shake the eight pounds I gained.

I’ve done plenty to keep the weight on – like sit on the couch like a vast slug playing games on my ipad, napping half the evening, snoozing thru my lunch, and making crummy food choices (I had 3 desserts at a party yesterday!).

What’s the deal? Where did my mojo go? Did I leave it on the ship? I read once that the act of doing is it’s own motivation. So maybe what I need to do is find at least positive thing will propel me to want to do more. Today I promise to go to the gym after word and spend at least ½ an hour burning off some calories. I also read that to get more from your workout, go in there with a plan.

So my plan is to go right to the treadmill and walk/run a mile. Then head to the kettle bells and do my usual routine, followed by some abs. Maybe, among the weights and cardio equipment, my mojo is lurking just waiting for me to find it!

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