
My thoughts on … stuff

Archive for the tag “eating”

Ever feel like you’ve been on a perpetual diet?

Ever Feel Like You’ve Been on a Perpetual Diet?

The other day, When my trainer asked me what my thinnest adult weight was, it got me thinking about when I started on the “diet” mentality track. And really, when I stop and think about it, I’ve been perpetually dieting since I was 17! That’s a long time, 34 years of dieting. I’ve lost and gained probably hundreds of pounds in 34 years if you add it all up.

When I think about some of the whacked out diets I tried….
There was the cabbage soup diet, the banana tuna something diet, the fruit juice diet, the stupid attempt at bulimia diet, the starvation diet, the fat free diet, the “counting your chews” diet, the Living Lite diet, the Richard Simmons diet.

Then I also tried the Nutri-System plan, the Weight Watchers diet (starting when they first began using points instead of calories), the South Beach Diet, the Zone diet. There’s also the acid reflux prevention diet, the gluten free diet, the low glycemic diet, the block menu diet.

Oh and let’s not forget the diet supplements, Sensa, hoodia, chromium, the ephedrine type stuff, the Sensa shaker, and the latest green coffee bean extract. And now the combination of Primal Blueprint & Paleo diet.

Next week my trainer wants to introduce me to a new strict eating plan to see if we can shake of about 10-20 more pounds. So here I go on another “diet”. Sometimes I wonder, what would it be like to just eat what I want and stop at satisfied (when I get that sigh). I’d never consider eating dessert unless I were to make it a meal, cause I seldom make it through a whole meal to the end leaving room for dessert. Of course, there are times when I ignore the full signs and keep eating cause it tastes so good. And then the portion sizes will start to get bigger and bigger. Hmm – there’s got to be a better way than this perpetual diet cycle I’m on!

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